The technology partner for
growing businesses

Based in Montreal, we are a business-driven software engineering team. As a technology partner, we build long-term relationships with visionary organizations that want to invest in their growth. Our priority: to propel their ambitions and maximize operations with tailor-made software solutions.

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A company that helps others grow

We pride ourselves on our ability to understand your DNA and transform your ambitions into a powerful and remarkable software solution. Our approach combines talent and hard work to deliver the best tools and optimal results.


Excellence is at the heart of our values. Every project, interaction and action is based on a profound desire to offer superior quality.


Innovation is at the service of needs. Our team creates and builds with the sole aim of making a tangible impact on all our partners.


Cooperation is the cornerstone of a successful company. Combined with expertise and vision, it becomes the fundamental principle of success.

Our day-to-day business

Meet the founders behind our agency

Patrick Vigeant

Patrick Vigeant, BCom, Ms.C

Strategy Partner

Patrick Vigeant is founder and solutions architect at Witify. Specializing in technology, he has spent over 10 years designing innovative digital solutions and developing tailor-made management systems. Particularly experienced in solution architecture, he designs and equips SMEs with a customized technological infrastructure focused on efficiency and effectiveness. Patrick teaches the graduate Web Analytics course at HEC, and enjoys sharing the latest digital trends and keeping in touch with the academic world. Finally, he is involved in his business community as President of La Relève d'Affaires lavalloise.

François Lévesque

François Lévesque, B.Eng MScA

Technology Partner

François Lévesque is co-founder and technical director at Witify. Specializing in the management and development of complex software and web projects, he has devoted himself for 8 years to the development of tailor-made ERP, Intranets and CRM. Throughout his career, he has developed in-depth expertise in software engineering, resulting in a particular sensitivity to translating business objectives into precise technical requirements. Having extensive expertise in data analysis and visualization, François has also successfully led numerous data projects with government institutions.

Questions and answers

Patrick Vigeant

Patrick Vigeant


(514) 916-3026

At Witify, our expertise lies at the intersection of software engineering, business understanding and UX vision. In practical terms, we specialize in the creation and development of tailor-made tools that optimize operations and maximize the potential of businesses and organizations.

We operate from 3 complementary angles: tailor-made ERP management systems to take complete charge of a business, the Witify Lab which develops personalized platforms (web or mobile) to target precise needs, and data management to leverage the information we hold towards high-impact decisions.

We work on a wide range of projects in dozens of different industries. What they all have in common is that they target specific needs that can benefit from tailor-made software.

Although we are familiar with most of the software on the market, and frequently use APIs to connect different systems together, we don’t undertake mandates to implement existing systems (e.g. Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, Odoo, etc.).

Witify remains at the forefront of technology. Our backend development is mainly carried out using Laravel, whose diverse ecosystem enables us to create high-end web services with remarkable speed. As for front-end development, we mainly use Typescript and VueJS, and rely on d3.js for the creation of customized data visualizations. In terms of hosting, we rely on DigitalOcean and AWS. Our most demanding applications are supported by a Serverless architecture that can handle any workload.

We have managed to reduce our development time by a factor of three thanks to our Sprintify framework. This is an artificial intelligence system that can generate between 50% and 80% of source code in just a few minutes. This tool gives us the power to develop software faster than ever before, while maintaining exceptional software quality.

Several factors affect the duration and value of a project’s investment. These include: the functional coverage of the project, the uncertainty of the requirements, the number of integrations required, the level of testing required, the depth of the UX/UI and the migration.

Depending on the size of the project, these can be carried out in a single phase, or split into several phases to achieve defined milestones. The minimum size of our development projects starts at $20,000 and can reach several hundred thousand depending on the development required. A project can take as little as one month to develop, or as long as 24 months.

Through our business and technical analysis service, our team targets the requirements and the desired level of development, while reducing uncertainty so as to present you with precise time and financial estimates.